St. Ann’s Society is the original altar society begun in 1869 and is continuing to this day.
The purpose is to support altar care, communion, candle ministry and efforts to promote
Catholic life through service.
Members care for linens, candle stands, provide annual scholarships, gifts to the school,
assistance with the funeral ministry, Lenten fish fries, the annual school turkey dinner and St.
Joseph’s Barbecue Dinner.
Members pay $10 per year between Jan. and May and are remembered in monthly Masses and
a personal one at their death. Members age 80 no longer pay dues but may remain active/
inactive members.
Meetings are held September through May on the second Sunday of the month between the
9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. masses. Please join us anytime.
Contact a board member:
President Dotty Duecker 830-997-5002